
Headwaters Coaching provides mental performance coaching for individual athletes, parents of athletes, and sports teams.

We offer 3 separate coaching services: one-on-one mental performance coaching (in-person or virtual), team workshops, and online courses.

We work with athletes and teams across all sports, from team sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball, to more individual sports such as running, mountain biking, and tennis. We offer support to parents of competitive athletes through parent coaching and workshops. Coaches can work with us individually to learn how to implement mental performance tools with their teams, or hire us to lead on-site workshops.


Are you overthinking it? Stuck in your head? Beating yourself up after every mistake? Work one-on-one with a mental performance coach who’s a former division I athlete, therapist with 15 years of experience, and a sports psychology professor. An individualized plan to address your specific challenges will guide the coaching sessions. Common challenges that coaching addresses include: lack of confidence, perfectionism, pregame nerves, and over-focusing on mistakes. Learn the tools to overcome your mental hurdles and play with freedom and confidence. In addition to athletes, coaching packages are available specifically for parents of competitive athletes and athletes recovering from an injury.


Is your team in a rut and you don’t know why? Do you want to introduce your players to mental training tools but feel you don’t have the time or expertise to do so? Team workshops are on-site and catered to the specific challenges that your team is experiencing. After meeting with the coach or coaching staff, Andrew will create a one-time talk or series of workshops that helps your team overcome the specific issues that are dragging their performance down.  Help your team get back to playing at their best while lightening your load as a coach. You deserve to focus on the x’s and o’s, let me help with the mental side. 


Do you want to learn more about Mental Performance strategies but aren’t ready to commit to coaching? Take my self-led, virtual course that will teach you how to overcome your negative-self talk so that you can play without the burden of your inner-critic weighing you down. The course includes over 45-minutes of videos, activities with worksheets to engage you in the material, and slides to guide you through learning the specific tools to manage your inner-critic. You will leave the course with a 3-step process (in writing) catered to the unique way that you experience self-criticism, and a specific plan of action to continue practicing the skills you’ve learned.

Are you (or an athlete you know) struggling with a harsh inner-critic?

3 Strategies to Overcome Negative Self-Talk!

A guide for athletes to rise above their inner-
critic and play with freedom & confidence